
What brought me to these communities on the pacific coast was a citizen science group called COASST - the Coastal Observation and Seabird Survey Team. COASST is a 20+ year old citizen science organization that was started by Julia Parrish. After studying Common Murres on Tatoosh Island, she began to see the importance for a seabird monitoring program that would span beyond a single site. With this goal in mind and with some funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, she founded COASST.


Identity as a scientist

Carol, who surveys Lands End and Harbor Mouth at the end of the Homer Spit, talked about some of her affinities for science and her love of fieldwork.

A second coot

The American Coot is a rare sighting on Bandon Beach. Dave and Diane tell me about a time when they discovered that their bird find was a Coot.


Barge Basin in Homer Alaska


Love of nature

